Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels
The use of essential oils has been around for thousands of years. Essential oils are known as the “life blood” of a plant. When it gets a scratch or comes in contact with disease, the oil heals the plant, and they do the very same for us!
They were perfectly designed to help assist our bodies in healing.
Microcurrent Point Stimulation | MPS
MPS therapy uses a Dolphin neurostim device to aid the body in healing by bringing it back to a parasympathetic state. It is widely used for bringing the body back to balance and releasing scar tissue using a direct current, which runs more natural with our bodies. Learn more about MPS directly from the manufacturer’s site.
Neuromuscular | NMT
Neuromuscular massage therapy is a trigger point therapy that helps to reduce inflammation and promote blood flow. It helps bring restoration and healing to injured or fatigued muscle tissue. Trigger points are like knots within the muscular tissue, when held, can cause either a localized or referralled sensation of pain or mild discomfort. After the knot is held with static pressure, it slowly melts leaving a sense of relief and loosening of the tissues.
NMT can help with the following:
Stiff neck
Sinus problems
Hip pain
Frozen Shoulder
Golfer or tennis Elbow
Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles Tendinitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Photo by Bas Peperzak on Unsplash
Myofascial Release | MFR
Myofascial Release or MFR is a whole body, hands on approach for the evaluation and treatment of the human structure, with a focus is the fascial system. Physical trauma, inflammatory or infectious process, or structural imbalances from dental malocclusion, osseous restrictions, leg length discrepancy, or pelvic rotation may create inappropriate fascial strain.
The fascial system literally surrounds every tissue in your body down to a single cell. If fascia has tightened and is creating symptoms distant from the injury, all of the appropriate localized treatments will produce poor or temporary results because the imbalance and excessive pressure from myofascial tightness remains untreated. MFR techniques are therefore performed in conjunction with specific symptomatic treatment. The gentle traction forces applied to the fascial restrictions will elicit heat, a vasomotor response that increases blood flow to the affected area, enhances lymphatic drainage of toxic metabolic wastes, realign fascial planes, and most important, reset the soft tissue proprioceptive sensory mechanism. This last activity reprograms the central nervous system, enabling a normal functional range of motion without eliciting the old pain patterns.
The best way to describe a facial restriction is with a telephone cord; the spiral cord get twisted on itself and needs to be unwound. When fascia get wound up it creates 2000 PSI of twisting pressure on all tissues including nerves, blood vessels and muscles along the three dimensions of the body creating a spider web pain pattern. MFR can untwist and release the spiral web of pain throughout your body.
At Kingdom Wellness, we’ve built a practice that focuses on the clients needs. We actually listen.
Courtney King
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash
Active Isolated Stretching | AIS
AIS is the new form of stretching designed to actively lengthen muscular and fascial tissue by holding the stretch for just a few seconds multiple times, while activating the muscles opposite the targeted muscle versus the 30-60 second hold approach we are used to. When stretching the tissue in this way, it is skipping the part of our brains that says to “tighten up” when it is being stretched. This form of stretching is easy to do and can be done with a practitioner or by yourself in the comfort of your own home. It is the perfect addition to your massages.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Think of the lymphatic system as our body’s sewer system. It takes all the “crap” and sends it on its way out. But what happens when it gets backed up? All that toxicity stays causing a slough of problems. Manual Lymphatic Drainage helps the lymphatic systems’ channels stay open and flowing.
It has many benefits from increasing immunity and lowering edema to relieving aches and pains. Give your body a flush by adding Manual Lymphatic Drainage to your session today.
Gua Sha Therapy
Check out this Webmd article
Are There Health Benefits to Gua Sha?
Medically Reviewed byNeha Pathak, MDon February 26, 2021
Gua sha is a traditional Chinese healing method in which a trained professional uses a smooth-edged tool to stroke your skin while they press on it. This motion raises small, red, rash-like dots that show under your skin called petechiae.
People use gua sha to treat chronic pain all over their body. They often do it alongside other complementary treatments like herbal medicine, massage, acupuncture, and heat therapy.
What Happens
To prepare you for treatment, your technician will put oil on your body. They’ll then use the stone-like gua sha massage tool to scrape to your skin in long, downward strokes. This is when you’ll notice areas of petechiae on your skin.
Most people get gua sha on their:
At first, they'll gently use the tool on your skin. Gradually, add more pressure to the strokes. They’ll only apply as much pressure as you’re comfortable with.
This process is believed to help blood flow and create a “lifting” effect on your skin, which some say may help lessen toxins in your body and promote healing.
You might also have gua sha done on your face, but that process would be gentler.
Potential Benefits
A few studies have looked at whether it can be helpful for some conditions, including:
Hepatitis B. One study shows that it might help lower the amount of liver inflammation caused by the hepatitis B virus. But we need more studies to know for sure.
Migraines. A study suggests that as part of a 14-day inpatient treatment, gua sha appeared to help ease migraine pain. But experts need more research and clinical trials to prove this.
Tourette's syndrome. This condition affects your nervous system and causes “tics,” or sudden twitches. In one study, a man with Tourette's syndrome used a combination of acupuncture, herbs, lifestyle changes, and gua sha once a week for 35 weeks. He saw his symptoms improve by 70%. But researchers need more evidence to confirm the links.
Neck pain. In one clinical trial, 48 people with chronic pain in their necks went into two equal groups. After a week, the people that had gua sha treatment saw their pain ease significantly for a short time. Experts are undecided about the long-term effects of gua sha on neck pain.
Perimenopausal symptoms. Women nearing menopause can have things like abnormal periods, hot flashes, sleep issues, and mood changes. In one study, women who used gua sha once a week for 8 weeks saw those symptoms improve. Researchers are still trying to understand how it works.
Breast fullness. If you breastfeed, your breasts might overfill with milk. This might cause them to swell and become painful. In one study, women who were having trouble breastfeeding because of breast fullness got gua sha treatment while they were in the hospital and for a couple of weeks after they went home. Those women saw their pain ease and they were eventually able to breastfeed more easily.
Potential Risks
Typically, gua sha is considered safe. However, you may have some bruising or discoloration of your skin. You could also be sore and tender for a short while after you have your treatment.
You shouldn't have it if you're taking medicine for blood clots.
If you're thinking about trying gua sha, talk with your doctor first to make sure it's right for you.
WebMD Medical Reference
Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Get the treatment you deserve.
Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding on Unsplash
Cupping therapy has been used since ancient times in Chinese, the Middle Eastern and Egyptian cultures. The technique uses suction cups to help assist in blood flow, inflammation, pain, relaxation and much more. Check out some of the benefits below:
weakness in the body
lymphatic support
fights against dermatological diseases
aids in prevention of liver disease
helps treat gastrointestinal disease
supports the nervous system
heals rheumatic diseases
helps reduce the sight of cellulite
Here’s a great article going into detail on the benefits:
Cupping makes a fantastic addition to any treatment.
Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash
10 Benefits of Prenatal Massage and a Massage Doula
Therapeutic massage is a completely safe, natural, drug-free method of relieving the aches and pains of pregnancy and labor.
Massage assists the circulatory and lymphatic systems by promoting the movement of blood and lymph, which assists the heart and reduces swelling.
Massage helps alleviate stress on the weight bearing joints of the hips, pelvis, knees, ankles, and relieve soreness in the muscles that are supporting the additional weight of the baby. Massage helps to soothe and ease sore muscles throughout the neck, back and hips. Massage helps to ease pressure and pain to the nervous system, including the sciatic nerve.
Massage allows the recipient to learn relaxation skills valuable during labor. Massage also stimulates proprioceptors, a person’s sense of awareness of their muscles and any tension they might be holding. Which is key in labor.
Massage provides a nurturing, soothing touch, which promotes release of emotional and physical tension. One of many scientific studies that support benefits of touch during pregnancy was published in Science Magazine.
Reassurance, nurturing and relaxation for the mother during pregnancy have shown to have far-reaching impact on her developing baby. Studies indicate that baby’s sense and respond to their mother’s stress levels as registered by her increased heartbeat.
“During massage, therapists can actually alter the sensation of pain by stimulating skin receptors connected to the brain.Such stimulation helps the mother’s body secrete oxytocin, which makes the uterus contract, and endorphins, which reduce pain.” Mashshall Klaus MD Neonatologist, U.C. Berkeley
The subconscious connection made during the massage will automatically release endorphins when a massage doula comes to your labor.
You have time during each massage to bond with your Massage Doula, practice relaxation techniques and ask questions.
A Massage Doula can teach your partner how to help you through all stages of your pregnancy and labor. Both will feel knowledgeable, supported and most of all capable to accomplish a great Pregnancy and Birth.
Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels